wy's blog

35 posts

Grey Cat The Flags 2024 Finals, Crypto writeups
Microcorruption solutions: Hollywood
Grey Cat The Flags 2024 Qualifiers writeups
Crypto solutions for Hackbash 2024
A summation identity, via Laurent expansion
An interesting result on the entries of a matrix inverse
Expressing $\cos(2\pi/n)$ in radicals
Solvability by radicals and principal roots
The extension $\C(t^n,u^n)/\C(t,u)$, where $t^2+u^2=1$
A result of Galois on prime degree polynomials
Casus irreducibilis for cubic polynomials
An alternative discriminant
Normalised root towers for solvable extensions of $\Q$
Nilpotent groups and central series
The Galois group of $x^p-a$
Separability and polynomials over char $p$
Real Jordan form and complexification
Studying linear maps through $F[\l]$-modules
Generating finite rings
Characterising submodules of finitely generated torsion modules over a PID
Characterising quotients of finitely generated torsion modules over a PID
Visualising Smith normal form on $\Z^2$
Why quaternion multiplication resembles the cross product
A very easy way to remember the Chinese Remainder Theorem
Defining smooth manifolds
Computing pullbacks of $k$-forms over $k$-chains
A simpler way of solving linear recurrences
A small gripe on Zorn's lemma
Boolean rings
The subtheory $PA^-$
Some remarks on $\Th\N$
Equivalence of filter and cover compactness
$\ZZs{p^n}$ is cyclic
Certain maximal subgroups of $S_n$
Deriving $\Aut(Q_8)$

6 writeups
